St. Francis Picnic offers food, music and fun


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Apr 03, 2023

St. Francis Picnic offers food, music and fun

QUINCY — The St. Francis Solanus Parish Picnic is set for Saturday. Running from

QUINCY — The St. Francis Solanus Parish Picnic is set for Saturday.

Running from 5 p.m. to midnight, the picnic will offer a variety of food and beverages, live music, cash raffle, silent auction, basket raffle, dunk tank, kids’ games, train ride, bounce houses and more.

The Heidelberg Band will perform from 5:30-7:30 p.m., and the Gentlemen will take the stage from 7:30-11:30 p.m.

Food will be served outside from 5-10 p.m. and inside the Parish Hall from 5-8 p.m. Choices include tenderloins, brats, burgers, hot dogs, pulled pork, roast beef, French fries, onion rings and more. Edgewood Orchard, Melton Carmel Corn and TCBY will all be on hand as well.

Beverages will be served by Haubrich Enterprises and the Rinella company. There will also be margaritas in addition to Spirit Knob serving up their wide selections of wine.

Portions of the street near the church and school will be blocked off to ensure pedestrian safety and the safety of those enjoying the picnic.

Proceeds for this event benefit St. Francis Solanus School.

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