Mar 08, 2023
Don't miss the Grant County Community Market on June 10
The Grant County Community Market will be opening with a bang on Saturday, June
The Grant County Community Market will be opening with a bang on Saturday, June 10. The first-time venture has attracted an impressive number of vendors, including:
The Bloom Bar
Susie's Specialties
Early Dawn Boutique
Wind on the Ridge
Candles by Meagan
Lunch and Learn Homemakers Baked Goods
Solid Rock Amusements
Bag of Holdings
Mimi's Bakery and Sweet Shop
Granny Grunt Designs
Bee Lathered
Blue Water Slime Shop
Broken Chains Cowboy Church
Little Annie's Leather
Mullins Ridge
Nan & Paps country Primitives
Grant County Sheriffs Office - Pink Patch Project
11.23 Clothing
Brooke Kate Design Co.
Williamstown Christian Church
Astropantry LLC
Brittanys Bakery Boutique
Little Farm Next Door
According to organizer Karley Luber of the Grant County Extension Office, there will be "3-D printing, hummingbird feeders, jams jellies and pet supplies, crochet, hairbows and key chains, ethnic foods, diamond painting, jewelry, plants and crafts, cloth and wood crafts, a grist mill, crafts bird houses and t-shirts, trading cards, jewelry resin, soaps and farmers market."
The market, which takes place from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the fairgrounds at 115 Baton Rouge Road in Williamstown, will also have food as well as entertainment by Witness Protection and Cedar Valley Bluegrass.
Come out and support this fun new venture!
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